Noreen & Family
Hello Dr. Moguel,
Hope this finds you having a lovely weekend in Cozumel or where ever you may be. It’s gotten quite cold here in Charlotte and we are making great use of our fireplace.
I am feeling so much better these past two days as my blood pressure is back to normal! I just took it so I could give you a reading……118/74 my pulse was 75.
Today was a sweet day. Patrick, Julia and I took a nice walk in our neighborhood and then went out to lunch together. Thanks for responding to Julia about her concerns for my diet. She sort of over reacted as I have been doing very well with my meals and have not had much of an appetite until this past Monday. Cooking my egg with butter and having my first slice of bread sent her over the edge. I have switched to olive oil and I am going to purchase gluten/ wheat free bread for when I want a piece of toast. [...]